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Home Â» Products Â»  CNSL OIL



The Crude/Raw CNSL (English: Cashew Nut Shell Liquid) is obtained by cold pressing or solvent extraction from Cashew Nut Shells. It comprises about 70% Anacardic acid, 18% Cardol, Cardanol 5%, and the remainder is composed of other compounds from the group of phenols, and polar compounds.

Technical CNSL (TCNSL) is obtained by further processing of the crude CNSL in the heating process, leading to Decarboxylation Anacardic acid, thus yielding a Cardanol. Technical CNSL contains about 52% Cardanol, Cardol 10%, 30% Polymeric material and the Residue is composed of other chemical compounds.


· The versatility of the polymerization and chemical modification

· The possibility of developing a high-performance polymers

· Improved properties of synthetic phenols include flexibility, dizaÅ‚anie corrosion, resistance to mechanical damage, faster heat dissipation when used as friction material in the automotive industry.

· Excellent performance as a binder (liquid resin) and friction material (Friction Dust) for the manufacture of brake linings

· Very good insecticidal and anti-bacterial

· Very high resistance to alkaline and acidic substances

· Very good resistance to mineral oils and fats