Cast steel angular grit produced by crushing specially heat treated steel shot its behaviour in service depends聽on hardness - a characteristic readily modified by suitable heat steel grit is used mainly in wheel blast machines for cleaning or preparation work on special surfacesin addition, gl and gh steel grit are equally suitable for use in wheelblast machines and in most cases air聽blast equipment.steel grit application:auto- and manual blasting of metal products (castings, forgings, steel constructions, pipelines);shot-peening of heavy-loaded parts (shafts, carriage springs, springs, cog-wheels) ;surface treatment of stone, granite-, marble- and natural stone-cutting;cleaning of cutting tools;surface preparation of parts for galvanic coatings, enameling;surface preparation of oil and gas pipelines for multi-layer coatings;cleaning of oil-storages and reservoirs sae j444 sizes:g10 g12 g14 g16 g18 g25 g40 g50 g80 g120steel grit specification:shape : angularhardness :gp:42 ~ 50hrc;gl:56 ~ 60hrc;gh:63 ~ 66hrcdensity : 7.4 g/cm3durability : >3000 timescertificate iso9001,saej444,sgschemical composition:cr 0.60-1.60%c 0.70 -1.20%mn 0.6 -1.20%si 0.40 -1.20%s ...
1st Floor, No. 1, Dongda Fourth Street, Shatou Community, Chang'an Town Changqing South Road, Changsheng Community, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province ITC Changan Vanke Center Office Building