Morocco Yellow Pages Online
Silver Line Construction & Machinery Rental LLC

Silver Line Construction & Machinery Rental LLC - | E-Showroom


Industrial air compressors for emergency air or planned maintenance.

For short- or long-term demands, for planned contingencies or unexpected emergencies: you can rely on our compressors for an efficient industrial air supply - exactly how and when you need it. Our engineers design the most suitable temporary installation. A fast set-up and a cost- and energy-effective approach are part of the total package, all completely tailored to your specific application. 

  • Low pressure: up to 4 bar compressor set-ups for process air, aeration systems, pneumatic conveying... 
  • Medium pressure: 4 to 12 bar compressors for piping, refining, textile and paper industry...
  • High pressure: 13+ bar compressors for onshore, drilling, mining, construction...