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Ferco Shutters & Seating Systems ME Contracting

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Retractable Seating's in Saudi Arabia

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Auditorium, theatre, cinema and stadium seating Ferco Seating Systems LimitedKeyfle Library P314901KFerco offers an extremely wide choice of seating for auditoria of all types, including conference centres, sports venues, theatres, cinemas, multi-purpose halls and lecture theatres. The range includesnot only a choice of design for each application but also a range of fnishes to suit most budgets.September 2011
CI/SfB52 (72.6) X
Benefts of the Ferco ranges include:• A vast choice to meet virtually allseating requirements• Within each range a choice ofqualities to suit the budget for eachcontract• A choice of colour and fnish to suitthe proposed décor in every range• Specialist advice to assist with allseating requirementsProduct ranges described on thisData Sheet include:• Auditorium seating• Lecture theatre seating with orwithout Wrimatic writing tablets• Sports stadia and arena seating• Theatre and cinema seating fromstandard to luxurious• Conference centre seatingGENERALIntroduction Ferco Seating SystemsLimited has 20 years' experience in thedesign, manufacture and installation ofpublic seating systems.Commitment to quality and value and flexibility in approaching customer needs areat the core of Ferco's operating philosophy.Recognising the importance of maintainingResearch and Development as a strongcomponent of its operations, the companyhas built up its own design expertise todevelop highly space-effcient seating systems, engineered for ease of installation,economical maintenance and adaptabilityto different venues. The company focuseson comfort, aesthetics, durability and cost,with its designers incorporating the latesttechnology in terms of material and manufacturing methods. The company's qualifedengineers respond rapidly to architects'and designers' requests for layouts andtechnical data. The company also marketsseating from some of the most noted worldspecialists in this type of product.Applications The wide choice of rangesavailable from Ferco allows the speciferto select the most appropriate seating foreach contract. Custom designed seatingcan be undertaken.Beaufort SeatMOS SeatAuthority Ferco is an ISO 9001 andISO 14001 company, is a member of FIRAand is CHAS accredited.Green issues Ferco's environmentalpolicy is to minimise any adverse effects itsactivities have on the environment, complywith and generally exceed any relevantlegislation and actively encourage the useof recycled or recyclable products.